Varun R Kodnani - Flowace

Varun Kodnani

More from Varun Kodnani

Average Salary in Dubai per Month

Average Salary in Dubai per Month, UAE (Jobs, Trends And More)

Average Salary in Dubai per Month - The UAE is a global industrial hub that attracts talents, developers, and experts…

Varun Kodnani

BPO Average Salary in India

BPO Average Salary in India

BPO Average Salary: India's BPO sector is a powerhouse, making waves in the global market. BPOs handle various tasks for…

Varun Kodnani

Employee Productivity Tracker

11 Top Employee Productivity Tracker in 2024

In pursuing business growth and employee efficiency, managers strive for teams that operate smoothly and independently. Yet, monitoring employee productivity…

Varun Kodnani

Customer Service BPO

Customer Service BPO Companies; Benefits, Limitations And More

"A customer service BPO (business processing outsourcer) is a company that handles incoming and outgoing customer communication for other businesses."…

Varun Kodnani

TrackOlap Alternatives

FREE TrackOlap Alternatives in 2024

Is managing your workforce proving to be a challenge? Fear not; with the right workforce management software, you can become…

Varun Kodnani

Deputy Alternative

Best Deputy Alternative In 2024

About the Deputy Time Tracking Ashik and Steve hated how hard it was to schedule workers and track their hours…

Varun Kodnani

ca average salary in india

Everything About Chartered Accountant Salary in India 2024

Chartered Accountant Salary in India Chartered accountants (CAs) are financial professionals with specialized accounting skills. CA is a highly demanding…

Varun Kodnani


Call Center Shrinkage And Measures To Reduce It

Shrinkage is a complex problem that is common in many call centres. As the industry rises, problems become more persistent.…

Varun Kodnani


How To Start A BPO In An All-In-One Guide

Starting a business is not an easy task. It's full of hard work, anticipation, and more strategies. It can feel…

Varun Kodnani


21 Fundamental KPIs In BPO Call Centre

How does BPO determine and weigh its metrics? Is it just by employing appropriate call center KPIs, or is there…

Varun Kodnani
