Free Azure Devops time tracking

Flowace time tracker for software development integrates into the Azure dashboard, making it a cakewalk to track and manage DevOps projects/ teams and employee efforts seamlessly and in real time.

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Ultimate time tracking solution for Azure DevOps services

Effortlessly link your Azure DevOps Services workspace to the Flowace time tracking app in simple steps. Customize organizational settings and easily capture work item time with a few clicks, generating comprehensive and accurate project reports. Ensure not a minute of your valuable time goes wasted and maximize productivity by 31%

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Professional time tracking in Azure DevOps & GitHub

Time is precious.

Flowace Azure Extension

Azure DevOps services and the Flowace tie-ups

Complete tasks, and automate the rest - Agile, Scrum, DevOps, Waterfall, or in-between, Flowace time tracker syncs with it all and effortlessly allows cross-platform teams and managers to stay aware and accountable for their daily workflows.

Measure Measure

Measure or track time directly from the Azure DevOps platform and understand developer progress, backlogs, and hindrances on the move.

Billing and Invoice Billing and invoicing

Sync to the automated workflow and capture billing details as per time worked with absolute clarity of reports.

Data driven insights Data-driven insights

Make informed decisions based on work data analysis and understand resource usage, time consumed, and efforts wasted or maximized with ease.

Automation (4) Automation

Automate burndown and task completion tracking, for example on Sprint and take the headache off as every move is visible on the dashboard with clarity.

money-send EVM (earned value management):

Effort reporting for internal and external billing analysis helps showcase proof of work and accurate resource utilization. This helps companies bill clients accurately.

shield-tick (1) CapEx and OpEx compliance

Ensure compliance with financial requirements, including SOP 98-1. Track time spent on resources and measure effort capitalization accurately.

personalcard PPM (project portfolio management)

Effectively oversee time, resources, and budgets within large organizations and streamline development operations seamlessly.

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2,500+ customers in over 80 countries

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Top Azure DevOps Extension since 2015

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First publisher fully supporting the DevOps Extension Model

Trusted by 35,000+ users

Done for you.



Hours tracked in Flowace time tracker.

time icon

3 seconds

Average time spent logging each task.

Flowace Azure Extension