
Employee Monitoring Software

Flowace gathers detailed information about how employees work, offering companies analytics, visibility, and context. With these insights, you can unleash the full potential of your workforce. Flowace simplifies and makes monitoring productivity easy and cost-effective.

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Flowace Feature

What is Flowace Employee Monitoring?

Flowace is a powerful tool for employee monitoring and real-time employee tracking created to improve workplace efficiency, particularly in remote and hybrid work environments. With the rise of remote work, employee monitoring software has become a vital tool for many companies.

  • Attendance
  • User
  • Monitoring
  • Attendance
  • User
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Top Features for Employee Monitoring

  • Normal Icon Hover Icon

    Silent Tracking

  • Normal Icon Hover Icon


  • Normal Icon Hover Icon

    Internet Usage

  • Normal Icon Hover Icon

    Live Streaming

  • Normal Icon Hover Icon

    Screen Recording

  • Normal Icon Hover Icon

    Apps & Websites

Using the silent app or stealth mode, employees can be tracked without their knowledge. The silent app operates without a user interface, meaning users cannot interact with it directly.

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Silent Tracking

Track screenshots or screencasts at custom intervals to evaluate work in progress or provide proof of work.

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With employee productivity monitoring software, you can capture internet connectivity, download and upload speed, latency, and more.

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Internet Usage

Connect with your employees in real time and provide immediate assistance with employee screen monitoring software.

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Live Streaming

Enable video recording to track employee progress and provide mentorship based on historical data.

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Screen Recording

Track employees' productivity by monitoring their app and website usage during working hours.

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Apps & Websites

Top Features for Employee Monitoring

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Join the millions of satisfied customers who rely on Flowace for enhanced productivity.

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How Does Employee Monitoring Drive Continuous Improvement?

Employee monitoring helps improve performance and productivity by tracking tasks and time spent on activities. Studies indicate that companies using monitoring tools can boost productivity by up to 31%.

With Flowace, you can track your employees’ PC screen activity, websites visited, keystrokes, screenshots, and more. This allows you to distinguish top performers from others and understand precisely what your team does throughout the day.

With the right employee activity monitoring software, employees can be productive across work environments:

  • Office Setup
  • Hybrid Environment
  • Client Sites
  • Work from Anywhere
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Additional Features to Monitor Employees Effectively

  • Normal Icon Hover Icon

    Activities Tracking

  • Normal Icon Hover Icon

    Document Titles

  • Normal Icon Hover Icon

    Manual Time Entries

  • Normal Icon Hover Icon


  • Normal Icon Hover Icon

    Historical Data

Keep track of your employees' activity logs, including their break time, privacy time, active time, manual time, project time, and idle time.

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Activities Tracking

Track the titles of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and other files to maintain the confidentiality of company data and identify any red flags in case of a breach of information.

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Document Titles

Employees can manually add time entries for offline activities, such as reading physical documents.

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Manual Time Entries

Receive daily, weekly, monthly, or custom employee performance reports via email to stay informed.

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One can analyze staff performance and annual appraisal reports better by tracking historical employee data.

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Historical Data

Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about the Flowace.

01 What is Employee Monitoring?

Employee monitoring refers to the practice of employers observing and tracking employee activity. It involves monitoring various aspects of employee behavior, such as computer usage, internet activity, and work-related tasks. This monitoring can occur both in the office and for remote workers, allowing employers to ensure productivity, compliance with company policies, and the security of company resources.

02 What are common challenges in tracking Employee Monitoring?

Managing employee hours is essential for running a business effectively, yet it comes with significant challenges. Issues such as buddy punching, time theft, and the necessity of complying with labor laws can severely impact profits and productivity.

03 Why should companies monitor employees?

Companies monitor employees for several reasons:

  • Performance: Tracking employee activities helps identify performance issues, such as skill gaps or training needs. This enables employers to provide feedback and coaching to enhance performance.
  • Productivity: Monitoring ensures that employee productivity aligns with the company’s objectives and expectations.
  • Security: Observing internet activity helps detect actions that could expose the network to malware.
04 How does employee activity report generation work?

Employee Activity Report Generation collects data on employee activities, tasks, and behaviour through monitoring software. This data includes time spent on tasks, websites visited, applications used, and overall computer activity.

05 What kind of employee activity can be tracked?

The following activities are usually tracked in a remote employee monitoring software:


  • Email applications and website usage: Monitor which email applications and websites employees access during work hours.
  • Computer Usage: Monitor overall computer usage, including active and idle hours.
  • Time spent on projects and tasks: Monitor the time employees spend on specific projects and tasks to assess productivity and allocate resources effectively.
  • Screenshots: Capture screenshots periodically to provide visual evidence of employee activity and monitor workflow.
  • Attendance and time: Track employee attendance and working hours to ensure compliance with company policies.
06 Why choose Flowace employee monitoring software?

Flowace, one of the best employee monitoring software, has boosted the productivity of 36,763 users in just 89 days! More than that, the software has plenty of features that help you boost productivity quickly.

Flowace Ultimate: Complete Guide to Employee Monitoring

Ever wondered how time tracking can change the game? 

Employee monitoring software provides a detailed breakdown of time spent on projects and tasks. This data is invaluable for understanding productivity levels and spotting areas for improvement.

This software is a lifesaver for remote teams, offering managers a clear view of employee performance from any location.

But it’s not just about productivity. Monitoring software is vital to ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory standards. It helps protect sensitive information from potential breaches and insider threats.

One of the coolest benefits of employee monitoring software is its ability to facilitate proactive performance management. And with employee monitoring software, working from home becomes easy as well.

With real-time insights into employee activities, managers can identify and address performance issues before they escalate, leading to a more efficient, motivated, and high-performing workforce.

If you’ve ever wondered how top companies keep everything running, the answer often lies in one powerful tool: employee tracking software. Also known as employee monitoring software, this technology is a game-changer for managing productivity and performance. But what exactly does it do? Let’s break it down.

Time and Attendance

First up, it tracks time and attendance. Forget about those outdated punch cards or manual logs. This software gives you precise, real-time data on when employees clock in and out, making it easier than ever to manage schedules and payroll.

Time spent on tasks and projects

Want to know how long your team spends on specific tasks or projects? Employee tracking software can help. It logs time spent on each activity, providing insights that help optimize workflow and identify any bottlenecks slowing progress.

Computer activity

Curious about what your team is doing on their computers? The best remote employee monitoring software monitors all computer activities, giving you a clear picture of how work hours are utilized. From applications used to websites visited, it ensures employees stay focused and productive.

Email monitoring

Email is a critical communication tool, but it can also be a source of distraction or security risks. Employee tracking software monitors email usage, ensuring work-related and secure communications.

Application and website usage

Ever wonder if those hours spent online are work-related or just casual browsing? Employee monitoring software tracks which applications and websites are used, helping to ensure that company resources are used appropriately.


Need more detailed oversight? Employee tracking software can take periodic screenshots of employees’ screens. This feature is particularly useful for remote teams, providing visual confirmation of work being done.

Location tracking

For businesses with mobile or remote employees, location tracking is a game-changer. It ensures that team members are where they’re supposed to be, whether working from home, a café, or a client’s office.

Let’s discuss the various types of employee monitoring methods that businesses use today.

Employee monitoring software

Employee computer monitoring software is the Swiss Army knife of workforce oversight. This tool allows managers to monitor employees’ work activities and behavior, offering a comprehensive view of time spent and ensuring that tasks are completed efficiently.

GPS tracking

GPS tracking is essential for employees who are always on the move, such as delivery drivers or salespeople. It ensures that employees stay on the correct routes, adhere to schedules, and avoid taking unauthorized breaks. It’s like having a virtual co-pilot who ensures everything runs smoothly.

Video surveillance

Believe it or not, video surveillance isn’t just for catching thieves. While primarily used for security purposes to prevent robbery or vandalism, it can also help monitor workplace safety and ensure compliance with company policies.

Network monitoring

Network monitoring tracks malicious programs, infected workstations, and unusual internet usage. It helps ensure employees aren’t accessing unproductive or risky sites during work hours, keeping the company’s digital environment secure.

Employee file tracking software

Managing documents can be a nightmare without the right tools. Employee file tracking software keeps tabs on files and documents across various office locations, ensuring that important information is always where it needs to be.

Time tracking

Time tracking software captures detailed information about employee activities. It helps businesses analyze workflow patterns, identify bottlenecks, and make data-driven adjustments to improve efficiency. It’s like having a personal productivity coach.

Screenshot capturing

An essential feature of many time tracking tools, screenshot capturing allows managers to see exactly what their teams are working on at any given moment. This visual proof helps ensure accountability and provides insights into work habits.


Keylogging records every keystroke an employee makes in real time. While it can provide detailed insights into employee activities, it’s often considered too invasive and has fallen out of favor due to significant privacy concerns.

When it comes to running a successful business, employee monitoring software is a game-changer.

Here’s why it’s so important:


Data breaches and unauthorized access can cause serious damage. Employee monitoring software helps prevent these issues by detecting insider threats and unauthorized activities. This not only protects your company’s sensitive information but also builds trust with clients and stakeholders.


Ever wonder where those productivity losses are coming from? Employee monitoring software tracks performance and highlights areas for improvement. It identifies these gaps so that companies can take action to boost efficiency.

Remote work

With more employees working remotely, visibility into their work habits is crucial. Monitoring software provides insights into how remote and hybrid employees spend their work hours. This ensures that remote work stays productive and aligned with company goals.


Think monitoring software is just another expense? Think again. It offers a solid return on investment by enhancing team performance and reducing productivity losses.

Employee monitoring is a way for employers to keep tabs on what their team is up to.

Here are the key activities it can track:

Computer activity

Want to know which websites your employees visit or which apps they spend time on? Monitoring software can tell you. It helps analyze productivity and pinpoint distractions by showing how much time is spent on unproductive sites and applications.

Activity tracking

Forget about clocking in or out. With activity tracking, you can monitor what employees do on their devices in real-time. This is especially useful for companies operating mostly online and managers who need a clear picture of daily operations.

Email monitoring

As remote work becomes more common, monitoring email activity is crucial. Email monitoring helps ensure that communications stay professional and that sensitive information is handled correctly.

Video recording and computer logs

Want real-time insights into employee performance? Video recording and computer logs provide a detailed look at how tasks are being completed. This helps managers assess efficiency and productivity on the spot.

GPS tracking

For businesses with mobile employees, GPS tracking is invaluable. It monitors check-in and check-out times, hours worked, and locations. You can even place GPS devices on company vehicles to track movements and activities.

Internet activity monitoring

Using company resources to access the internet? Monitoring software keeps track of online activities, ensuring employees use company-owned property appropriately.

Time tracking

Time-tracking tools capture how employees spend their work hours. This data helps businesses analyze workflows and make necessary adjustments to improve efficiency.

“It is not enough to be busy. The question is: What are we busy about?”

This quote rings especially true for business owners. How your company spends its time can significantly impact profits, efficiency, and overall success. Here are some crucial insights into workplace productivity and the importance of tracking time.

Buddy punching costs more than $370 million annually

More than 75% of companies lose money due to buddy punching, a problem that can be prevented with the right safeguards. Implementing biometrics and GPS data can drastically reduce this issue and save substantial money.

Multitasking without time tracking cuts productivity in half

Multitasking might seem efficient, but it can slash productivity by nearly 50%. If your team needs to juggle tasks, ensure they use a time-tracking system that allows multiple timers. This can help maintain focus and improve.

69% of employees admit inaccurate time tracking

A Forbes online test revealed that 69% of employees don’t track their time accurately. Half of the respondents also estimate that a quarter of their workday is wasted. Accurate time-tracking tools can help mitigate this issue, providing better insights into how time is spent.

Most employees are only productive for 2.8 hours a day

According to a 2019 RescueTime study, the average employee is only productive for about 2.8 hours each day. This statistic underscores the need for effective time management and productivity tools to maximize those productive hours.

Yes, with employee monitoring in your arsenal, you can monitor your staff with a valid reason and a legal basis for doing so. This might include ensuring their safety, especially in different work environments, or protecting your business from theft, complaints, or legal issues.

Efficient resource allocation is key to peak performance. Employee productivity monitoring helps allocate resources like time, manpower, and budget in the right way so that the right people work on the right tasks at the right time.

Which teams benefit most from employee monitoring?

Employee monitoring can significantly benefit various teams within an organization, and they are:

  • Remote and hybrid teams
  • Sales teams
  • Customer service teams
  • IT and security teams
  • Project management teams

How will employee monitoring be implemented in your business?

  • Clearly explain the goals and necessity of monitoring to employees
  • Create a detailed monitoring policy and ensure legal compliance
  • Limit the scope of monitoring to work-related activities and avoid monitoring non-business activities on a personal device
  • Inform employees about the specific tools and features being used
  • Use collected data constructively and securely delete or dispose of it when no longer needed
  • Install monitoring software only on company-owned devices. Inform employees if their business devices have monitoring software.
  • Acknowledge employee feedback and establish clear guidelines for its use

When considering new technology, you need to understand its impact on your company; employee monitoring solutions are no exception. The benefits and drawbacks of employee monitoring largely depend on how your organization approaches data usage and sharing. Let’s take a look at them:

Pros of employee monitoring Cons of employee monitoring
Helps detect suspicious user activity Can diminish employee morale and trust if not implemented transparently
Boosts overall cybersecurity by monitoring interactions with company data Creates additional workload for analysis and decision-making
Improves team performance by identifying areas for improvement and workload distribution May expose sensitive employee data
Helps monitor remote employees
Creates mindfulness among employees


How Do You Choose the Best Employee Monitoring Software?

To select the best employee monitoring software, consider the following factors:

  • Look for real-time activity monitoring, time tracking, and productivity analysis tools
  • See that the software has robust security features to protect sensitive data
  • Verify that the software complies with relevant laws and ethical standards
  • Choose a user-friendly interface for easy adoption and navigation

How Do You Introduce Employee Monitoring Software to Your Team?

Introducing employee monitoring software to your team requires clear communication and honesty for a smooth transition. Here are some tips:

  1. Avoid secrecy or dishonesty, as it can hurt morale
  2. Regularly update employees and managers about the software
  3. Consider holding a meeting to introduce the software and address any concerns
  4. Address and prioritize employee privacy worries
  5. Discuss how the software can benefit employees
  6. Select software that aligns with your company’s needs and objectives

To select the best employee monitoring software, consider the following factors:

  • Look for real-time activity monitoring, time tracking, and productivity analysis tools
  • See that the software has robust security features to protect sensitive data
  • Verify that the software complies with relevant laws and ethical standards
  • Choose a user-friendly interface for easy adoption and navigation

Introducing employee monitoring software to your team requires clear communication and honesty for a smooth transition. Here are some tips:

  1. Avoid secrecy or dishonesty, as it can hurt morale
  2. Regularly update employees and managers about the software
  3. Consider holding a meeting to introduce the software and address any concerns
  4. Address and prioritize employee privacy worries
    Discuss how the software can benefit employees
  5. Select software that aligns with your company’s needs and objectives

Try Employee Monitoring in Your Business for FREE

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