
Employee Productivity: The Ultimate Guide

The heartbeat of any successful organization lies in the hands of its employees. They're more than just workers; they're the…

Varun R Kodnani - Flowace

Varun Kodnani


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Employee Productivity

The heartbeat of any successful organization lies in the hands of its employees. They’re more than just workers; they’re the driving force behind every success and the key to sustained growth. 

We call them “human capital” for a reason – their skills, experience, knowledge, and motivation fuel the very essence of a thriving business.

Think about it – while other forms of capital remain static, relying on workforce power pushes a company to greater heights. Money and materials may increase, but it all falls flat without a motivated team to steer progress. These employees are special – they can grow, improve, and unite to achieve greatness.

But let’s be real – a productive workforce doesn’t magically materialize out of thin air. There’s more to it than meets the eye—the secret lies in many factors determining how productive your team can be. Hence, let’s dive into the essential elements that ignite the spark of employee productivity! 

What is Employee Productivity?

Employee productivity is all about how much work an employee completes within a specific timeframe. 

As a manager, you need to know how long it takes your team to complete tasks and if there are any hurdles or distractions you can help them overcome. “Productivity is never an accident; it’s a result of commitment, planning, and focused effort,” as Paul J. Meyer put it.

To measure productivity, you need predefined standards and timeframes. In simpler terms, you must know what’s normal for a task. 

For example, in manufacturing, if it usually takes a group of workers one hour to finish a product, then one hour becomes the measure of production. In sales, it could be based on the number of leads generated and converted into actual sales each week or month.

However, productivity alone isn’t enough for success. You must also factor in effectiveness and quality to identify the real star performers. 

Let’s go back to manufacturing as an example. Sure, someone who cranks out a high number of products in record time may seem productive, but if the quality could be better, it won’t lead to success in the long run.

So, as a manager, you need to encourage high productivity and ensure that your team delivers excellent results and maintains the quality of their work. 

The importance of employee productivity 


The importance of employee productivity 


Andy Core, a motivational speaker and workplace expert, emphasizes that productivity in the workplace has various positive outcomes. When companies prioritize productivity, it improves customer service, healthier work relationships, and motivated employees.

As a manager, keeping a keen eye on employee engagement and its impact on overall productivity is crucial. 

If you notice a slump in productivity or some team members not performing up to par, it could indicate underlying issues like disengagement, collaboration problems, or inefficient processes within the company.

Think about it – the more productive your employees are, the more your organization can grow and flourish. 

Scaling up becomes a natural consequence of a motivated and efficient workforce. And one of the most assured ways to enhance productivity is to focus strongly on employee well-being.

When team members feel supported, they are more likely to be engaged and energized to give their best effort. 

This means providing opportunities for work-life balance, creating a positive and inclusive work environment, and offering resources that promote physical and mental well-being.

Now, how do you measure this? Let’s take a look below.

How to measure employee productivity?

Wondering how to measure employee productivity? Here is the perfect roadmap for you:

✅ Set goals 

As a manager, one of your crucial roles is helping your team set and achieve their goals. According to the insightful Amy Gallo from Harvard Business Review, goal setting is more than just a formality; it’s a fantastic way to provide feedback and motivate your employees.

Set clear targets and keep a close eye on your team’s progress. If these goals are team-oriented, review them during your weekly team meeting. For individual growth, conduct one-on-one sessions to create personalized development plans and offer coaching to each team member.

Don’t wait for formal reviews or project completions to check in. Remember, regular feedback can work wonders for boosting their performance.

✅ Measure quality 

It might seem like sending countless emails or completing more tasks equals higher productivity but don’t be fooled. Meeting deadlines is important, but the quality of the work should never take a back seat. When evaluating employee productivity, always monitor the quality of your team’s output. Sometimes, achieving more doesn’t mean doing more; it means doing better

Measure quality


✅ Measure quantity 

Keep an eye on the number of tasks completed by each employee within a specific time period.

If you spot a teammate excelling and knocking out all their tasks, why not give them a shout-out? Send them an encouraging note to show them you appreciate their hard work. A little recognition can go a long way in keeping the motivation high.

5 ways to increase employee productivity in the Workplace

Employee onboarding

In the past, employers used to believe that loyalty was guaranteed once they signed a contract with a new employee. But times have changed, and the new generations of talent need to buy into this traditional mindset. A top-notch onboarding program is essential to integrate them into the company culture and set them up for success.

You won’t believe the impact of a well-designed onboarding plan. Research shows that due to ineffective onboarding, employers lose 17% of their new employees within the first 90 days. But on the flip side, when companies invest in a good onboarding program, it can boost retention by 50% – now, that’s a game-changer.

So, what makes an onboarding program effective? It’s feedback, complete support, and training. When new employees feel supported and guided from day one, they are likely to thrive and stick around for the long haul.

Allow flexible schedules

Each team member has unique needs and responsibilities outside of work. Some might need to drop off their kids at school in the morning, while others have commitments that can’t be compromised in the evening. 

As a considerate manager, it’s important to address these needs. During your one-on-one meetings, take the time to ask each of your direct reports if their current work schedule is working well for them. 

By doing this, you show that you genuinely care about their well-being and work-life balance.

So, embracing flexible schedules can work wonders for productivity. For example, in their recent “Virtual First” announcement, Dropbox highlighted the benefits of non-linear workdays. Allowing your team to adjust their schedules to fit their personal lives can lead to happier and more motivated employees.

Say a big “NO” to micromanaging!

Many leaders fall into the trap of thinking that micromanaging and closely assigning tasks is the key to boosting productivity. But here’s the truth: unnecessary control can actually have the opposite effect. It stifles creativity and demotivates employees.

The actual secret to productivity lies in employee empowerment. When a business places trust in its employees and gives them the freedom to control their tasks and daily activities at work, magic happens.

This is why you should allow some room for flexibility and independence, as it helps create a happy and productive team. People thrive when they are free to take ownership of their work and adapt to challenges. 

Recognize employees

Do you know what’s even more powerful than monetary gifts? Recognition! Yep, it’s true – employees absolutely love hearing that they’ve done a great job. When you acknowledge their hard work, it validates their efforts and makes them feel appreciated.

So, be bold about recognizing your employees when they deserve it. Give credit where credit is due. They feel a wonderful ego boost and are more motivated to keep up their stellar performance in hopes of receiving more recognition.

Take Feedback

Feedback is just as important as giving it. This simple act can have a big impact on your employee productivity.

So, the trick is to create a safe space where employees feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and experiences about the workplace. Encourage them to speak up about anything – from the noise level in the room to their ideas on new policies.

Once you have all this valuable feedback, you’ll have a baseline to work with. This means you can compare your productivity levels before and after implementing new productivity policies. 

Ready to experience a productivity boost?

To measure employee productivity and efficiency in the workplace, it’s essential to consider both quantity and quality of work. While quantity matters for certain tasks like raw materials production, in most cases, quality takes precedence.

A fresh perspective can revolutionize how we define success at work. You need a robust workforce management tool like Flowace to support this change. 

If you are ready to implement these game-changing tweaks for a productivity boost, Sign up now!


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