How to install and uninstall Flowace silently at the MACHINE LEVEL for MULTIPLE USERS on Windows via Command Prompt, Desktop Central, or Intune?
Step 1:
Click on your name in the top right corner to access your account settings.
Click on the Windows icon to download the setup.
Click on the Silent App option.
Step 2:
Download the application set up from the Silent app. Depending on your system’s architecture(64-bit or 32-bit) and permissions you have 2 options (DO NOT DOUBLE CLICK AND RUN THE MSI):
When deploying software, whether through CMD prompt or using a mass deployment tool like Desktop Central/Intune, you can use the following command to deploy:
msiexec /qb! /i setup.msi
This command will install the software at the machine level so that whenever a new user logs in to that particular machine, the software will be installed for that user in their user profile.
To make sure that registry entry is present for every users in HKCU i.e HKEY_CURRENT_USER, follow the below step.
Note: Origin must be your Flowace web platform address.
Ex – then your ORIGIN=””
Step 5:
After completing this, please follow the below steps to do the mapping.
To verify the application installation status on the web platform, navigate to Data Visuals >> Silent App Tracking >> Inactive Computers on the web platform.
Enter the User email for mapping.
After completing the above steps, refresh the page and verify the mapping status under Computers.
For uninstallation enter the below command:
Open the command prompt and copy the lines of code provided below.