Tricks to Cheat Employee Productivity Tracker

Tricks to Cheat Employee Productivity Tracker

Simultaneously manage work and leisure tasks without raising suspicion.

Multitask Like a Pro

Use a mouse jiggler to keep your computer active while you take breaks.

Master Mouse Jiggling

Set up automation for repetitive tasks to save time for yourself.

Automate Routine Tasks

Appear productive during idle periods by scheduling strategic breaks.

Optimize Idle Time

Employ tools to block distracting sites while still appearing focused.

Use Distraction-Free Modes

Join meetings and appear engaged while multitasking on other tasks.

Fake Meeting Attendance

Use a personal time tracker to ensure you meet your work goals efficiently.

Track Your Own Time

Prioritize simpler tasks to maintain a high productivity score.

Manipulate Task Priorities

Use stealth mode on apps to manage personal tasks during work hours.

Cloak Your Downtime

Remember to stay ethical while using these tricks to maintain balance.

Outsmart Without Overstepping

Do all these on your own risk.

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To know more about productivity